Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Cousin Curse: a retelling of The Six Swans and Paul Bunyan, available now!


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Enemies to lovers?


Enemies to lovers.

What does that even mean?

I've seen multiple definitions. One is that the main characters are political enemies, but care for one another anyway. I've written lots of those. However, the more common definition seems to be that the two main characters start off with some friction between them before they grow to love one another.


Well, the next Spectra Crown Tales book will be my first to fit this second definition. Simon and Helena don't like each other when they meet. Simon thinks that she is beautiful but bad-tempered, while Helena finds him 'twitchy' and nervous, not to mention likely to ruin what little reputation she has.

The Seven Sages is based on a little-known fairytale called The Seven Simons, which you can read free here. With seven super-powered siblings, this one is ripe for more retellings and I hope to see more authors use it!

The Seven Sages is on preorder right now, with a publication date of October 26!

The Spectra Crown Tales are a series of connected fairytale retellings. You don't need to read them in order, though there are connections between them. If you'd like to start at the beginning, the first Crowns Tale is The Seventh Clan.

Sneak peek:


Here is the opening scene of The Seven Sages:


SIMON KING COULD ONLY STARE in horror as the terra cotta jug slipped from his arms and shattered against the cobblestone road. He’d tried so hard to earn his uncle’s approval, loading the jugs into the carriage, and a single clumsy moment ruined everything. Sweat dripped down his face. Though spring had yet to arrive, the cool winter morning became uncomfortably warm after exercise. Normally he enjoyed the chance to be of service, but any enjoyment shattered with the jug. 


At least the contents didn’t seem to be valuable. Dried wildflowers and fresh leaves scattered in a steady breeze, or lay trapped among the clay shards. They were too crumpled to impress a woman, and they didn’t smell like potpourri or seasonings. Bitter, if anything, with a hint of rotten eggs. Simon had no idea what his uncle wanted with such things. 


The mansion door creaked open. Simon froze, then slowly turned around. 


Uncle Rico stood framed in the doorway of Jaladi City’s largest mansion, tall and symmetrical with rows of windows passing judgment on the city street below. His red coat was impeccable, fitting for the King family. Through changing politics, wars won and lost, no matter Simon’s personal failings, his family remained on top. 


Uncle Rico stepped up to the cart. “I have to deliver these to the castle. Clean up while I’m gone.” 


“Of course, Uncle.”  


Normally, Simon would ask to go. The crowds would notice how much Uncle Rico and Simon looked alike, though Uncle Rico’s blond hair was starting to turn white. Simon made sure that they wore it to the same length, just above the shoulders. He’d tried to grow a beard to match his uncle’s, but it came out wispy and awkward and at last he’d given up. Still, they looked like a matched set, as though they belonged together. 

Uncle Rico climbed into the driver’s seat of the simple wooden cart and took the reins. He gave Simon a small nod, and started off. 


With a sigh, Simon began to gather the shards, keeping the sharp edges from his fingers.  


The mansion door opened again and the butler stepped out. “Careful, young Simon,” he said. “Let me, or at least wear gloves. Those are poisonous.” 


Simon froze. “Poisonous?”  


“Yes indeed. Those plants give off deadly gas when burned. The green leaves with them make sure that any fire makes a lot of smoke, and the tight jug will make the fumes spread.” 


Simon stared at him. “You’re saying that my uncle made a smoke bomb?” 




The Spectra Crown Tales are a series of fairytale retellings with overlapping characters and settings, but different plots. For full book readers, Tale #5, The Seven Sages, will come out October 26th.

On kindle vella, we're beginning Tale #6, The Cousin Curse.

 Check out the Spectra Books website for more updates.

The Spectra Books all take place in the same fantasy world, where Spectra with elemental abilities are divided between six clans. 
Find details, comparisons, and samples on The Spectra Books website.

Friday, August 30, 2024


Today is the day!
The Centaur Choice is now published!

I'll include a sneak peek below, along with this month's free book.

I'm excited to share this book with everyone! I've loved imagining what centaurs might be like, more realistically, and how horse behavior might affect them and how they see the world. It's also about grief, prejudice, and change, set in a world inspired by 1600's Mexico.


Everyone knows that centaurs carry off young women, but when Bree meets a stallion in the wilderness, he’s kinder and more interesting than any of the estate’s highborn visitors. He can’t be the monster that her brother describes.

But Dale the centaur has a secret: he needs a young woman to transform into a centaur to save his young son.

Clashes between the species grow, and both families are torn and broken. If they can grow past the piling tragedies, Bree and Dale could find the healing they need with each other.

For American readers, you can read the first ten "episodes" (about three chapters) completely free on kindle vella as The Centaur Chase.

Sneak peek:


Here's a scene of The Centaur Choice, published today!



“Hello?” Bree called. 


A figure appeared out of the brush ahead—a tall man she didn’t recognize, with huge dark eyes that immediately captured her attention. His face was red, perhaps sunburned, but it didn’t detract from his good looks—a long face and pointed chin free from any type of beard.


Only when he looked away, scanning their surroundings, could she catch her breath. The stranger returned his gaze to her. He inclined his head, but his expression remained impassive.  


“Are you lost?” he asked. His voice was rich and deep, and so quiet that she had to concentrate to pick out his words. 


“No.” She glanced behind her, but saw nothing through the brush. “I was separated from the party, but they should be just over the slope.” 


“I see.” He turned his horse straight toward her. Bree suddenly realized that he wore no shirt. She averted her eyes, too aware of her flaming face. She’d seen the estate laborers remove their shirts on a hot summer day, but Mama would be horrified to know that she hadn’t looked away. She supposed that explained the sunburns. 


She should run. Laborers were rough and uncultured and she was not to go near them. 


But he hadn’t grabbed her hand. He didn’t stare or make suggestive comments. Despite their nice clothing, Papa’s guests had been far rougher. 


His horse’s hooves thumped slowly on the ground as he neared her. She found herself staring into his eyes, so brown they were almost black, with a mesmerizing depth she couldn’t describe. His black hair was shoulder length, sticking up in all directions and yet never hiding those incredible eyes.  


He’d come nearer than she realized. She knew she was blushing but couldn’t look away.   


“You shouldn’t be alone out here,” he said. “Why don’t you come home with me? You can meet my family.” 


“Aren’t they at the estate?” Bree asked. 


He cocked his head. “I don’t know what that means.” 


She froze. He wasn’t one of her father’s laborers? Then he was a stranger. Strangers were even worse than laborers. But he sounded so polite, so concerned for her, not at all like the wild, dangerous men that Mama described. 


He studied the brush again. Perhaps he was serious about predators. He never seemed to look at her for more than a few seconds, like a deer starting to suspect it was being watched. 


She picked up the reins and nudged her mare forward. Dilly left the bush she was grazing on with a grumpy snort. 


The stranger stared at Dilly. His eyes widened and he backed away. 

He couldn’t be afraid of horses, since he was riding too. “What’s wrong?” Bree asked. 


“Nothing. I must leave.” He eased away from her. 


“Wait.” Bree scrambled to think of an excuse as she nudged Dilly forward.  


The brush opened up into a clearing. Bree gasped. The stranger was not a man. She was staring at a centaur. 

The Centaur Choice is the first book in a duology. The second half of the story, The Centaur Charge, will come out sometime next year. Don't want to wait? You can read one chapter at a time as I write them. Try The Centaur Chase on kindle vella! 

Or check the Spectra Books website for updates.

The Cousin Curse: a retelling of The Six Swans and Paul Bunyan, available now!

  The Spectra Crown Tales just got a little bigger! When I started to work on this book, I knew only a few things: the fairytale (the Six Sw...