Saturday, April 9, 2016

Lectran Pox Defeated


Posted by Christie V Powell on April 9, 2016 at 5:20 PM

This "newspaper article" describes some of the backstory from Keita's Wings book 2, The Spectra United.

8 August 209

Queen Taima arose from her bed and greeted the public this morning for the first time in several months. Tears streaked her scarred cheeks as she expressed her appreciation for the concern and well-wishes of her people. Earlier that day, the first healers from Spritelands had arrived, but they came too late for many of us.

Amber Sage, niece of our good king Antony, married the Sprite prince and heir Drake Sage three years ago. When Prince Leon and his wife, Valerie, caught the dreaded pox, they sent messengers to her, begging for help.

“We came as soon as we heard the news,” said Sprite healer Merle Arden. “I brought my entire family and we intend to stay as long as we are needed.”

But Arden and the twenty other Sprite healers came too late. Leon, his wife Valerie, and his twin sister Luna join the list of those killed by the disease. King Quentin appeared in his second official ceremony as king for their funeral. His wife and baby daughter Viviana survived, though scarred. Hundreds of others did not.


Friday, April 1, 2016

Just People


Think of people. 

Think of people you’ve heard of.  

Celebrities, actors and authors, 

The religious and the rich, 

The politicians you admire 

And those you think are Satan’s spawn. 

Think of history, 

Of kings and generals, 

Of people tagged so neatly 

With labels of good or bad. 

Think of people you know, 

The crowds clogging your way, 

The bearded man with the cardboard sign, 

The woman who suffers, 

Who you see and think, ‘She must be so strong; 

I could never do that.’ 

I’m starting to learn that people are people. 

We feel, we think, we love, we dream, 

We make friends and we make enemies. 

We make choices, doing what we can with what we are given. 

Really, is there so much difference between you and I? 

We’re all people. 

Just people. 

Enemies to lovers?

  Enemies to lovers. What does that even mean? I've seen multiple definitions. One is that the main characters are political enemies, bu...