Monday, February 28, 2022

Book Recommendations for February 2022

 Here are some books I've read, enjoyed, and reviewed this month:

Trailing The Hunter by Heidi Eljarbo is a historical fiction about a young woman trying to save a Norwegian village from an incendiary witch hunter.

HawkSong by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes is a fantasy romance with an enemies-to-lovers story that I really enjoyed. Desperate to stop the war between their countries, two royal enemies agree to marry one another.

Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke is a middle grade fantasy that I first read a couple decades ago, but we recently read it as a family. We enjoyed the fantastic world of silver dragons and the evil Golden One that hunts them.

On Kindle Vella:

The Queen Trials by Penelope Wright has a similar feel to The Hunger Games. I mentioned it last time, but this month I really got into it and accidentally binged fifty episodes.

The Elementalist by Medea Cygan reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender with its magic system, but with a more Urban Fantasy style. 

The Dream Heist by Christina Farley mixes paranormal dream technology with a real life heist. The author travels a lot, so the descriptions of the different countries they go are extremely well done.

The Cousin Curse: a retelling of The Six Swans and Paul Bunyan, available now!

  The Spectra Crown Tales just got a little bigger! When I started to work on this book, I knew only a few things: the fairytale (the Six Sw...