Thursday, July 1, 2021

Book Recommendations, July 2021


I have two friends with books who just came out. I was privileged to read a review copy of each of these, and really enjoyed them:
Unseen is a historical fantasy published by my cousin (well, second-cousin-once-removed-in-law, or something like that). It's about a girl with magic during the Spanish Inquisition, and the reality of the setting is extremely well done, even the magic parts. The antagonist of the story is truly chilling, even though the violence is not graphic. I highly recommend it!
I've already linked one of the books in this series, which I  loved. This is another adorable romance in the same series. The main character is bubbly, extroverted, and cares about fashion--all things I am not, so I was surprised that I still really related to her and her struggles. Her bad fiance was so awful I wanted to sing country break-up songs at him (the kind that threaten violence). And in contrast, Drake is soft and sweet, respectful, yet willing to step up when needed. It's a great read.
Here's a more few books that I've read, enjoyed, and reviewed over the past few weeks:

A Ceiling Made of Eggshells: This is the newest release of Gail Carson Levine. It's historical fiction (don't go into it expecting a fairytale). It's about a Jewish girl growing up in Spain right before the expulsion in 1492. Lomastruggles with questions about life and religion. I loved the reality in the tale, especially knowing that this is a story very similar to the author's family history.

Timeless: A Sleeping Beauty retelling: This had an interesting twist. When the kiss happens, the fairytale princess trades places with a modern teenager.

Born For Life: A Midwife in Africa: This is a memoir about a missionary who goes to Africa to be a midwife at a village hospital. It's a fascinating look into another life.

The Blessings of Equinox: This was an excellent example of epic fantasy. A witch and a 7-foot-tall dwarf travel through the land of the Fae to gain a sword that would protect her home from a terrifying necromancer. 

Forgotten and Remembered: The Duke's Late Wife: This romance is about strangers who were married for unromantic reasons, yet learn to become a true family.

The Telmaj: Let's go for some sci-fi representation! The telaporting aliens trying to escape slavery as spaceship "engines" were well done, but the characters were the real draw. I loved the camraderie and relationships that grew between the crew/found family.

If you'd like my recommendations spread over the month, you can follow my reviews on twitter under the hastag #CVPReviews.

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