Sunday, August 1, 2021

Book Recommendations, August 2021

 Here's a few books that I've read, enjoyed, and reviewed this month:

The First Girl Child: Excellent quality of writing and realistic struggles define this fantasy novel about a kingdom where only boys are born.

The Rise of Kyoshi: A fun addition to the Avatar: The Last Airbender world. It's a bit darker than the cartoon but well worth reading.

Kid Authors: True Tales of Childhood from Famous Writers: A fun collection of stories about famous authors before they were famous.

Life in the Pit: A contemporary young adult story about a girl playing in the pit orchestra and often feeling overlooked--even when the main lead starts paying her attention.

A Shard of Glass: I've enjoyed this series of fairytale retellings that mixes a fantasy world in with the story. It's what I'm planning to do with The Spectra Crowns, so I had a good excuse to get into this fun series.

Magic of Nasci: I didn't mean to binge-read this whole series in one day, but here we are. It's an excellent urban fantasy that mixes the Pacific Northwest with a hint of Japanese culture, with exciting action, a heroine who's both relatable and full of attitude, and all sorts of magical creautres.

If you'd like my recommendations spread over the month, you can follow my reviews on twitter under the hastag #CVPReviews.

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The Cousin Curse: a retelling of The Six Swans and Paul Bunyan, available now!

  The Spectra Crown Tales just got a little bigger! When I started to work on this book, I knew only a few things: the fairytale (the Six Sw...