Saturday, January 1, 2022

Writing Conferences

 I thought I'd make a list of writing conferences in my area (mainly Arizona and Utah, and usually focused on members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I have either been to these or talked to people who have been to them. I'd love to know of more in the comments!

Tuscon Festival of Books: Mid-March in Tuscon AZ

Storymakers: Mid-May in Provo UT (I'm teaching at this one!)
WIFYR (Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers): Mid June in Draper UT

Kanab Writers' Conference: Late July in Kanab UT

ANWA conference: Mid-September in Mesa, AZ (I'm biased toward this one!)

LDSPMA (Latter-day Saint Publishing and Media association): Mid October in Provo UT

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The Cousin Curse: a retelling of The Six Swans and Paul Bunyan, available now!

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