Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Carli's letter

 Letter from Scarlett Kelvin to her sister Ash, fall of the year 225

This letter served as backstory for The Spectra Unearthed (Keita's Wings book 1), and is later found and read in The Spectra Upended (Keita's Wings book 5). Scarlett Kelvin, Carli for short, is a major character in several Keita's Wings books.

Dear Ash,

I hope someday I can see you and give you this letter. When you left, you told me you were going to fix things so I didn’t have to go through with the same things you did. Well, you’re too late. I would have run away like you if Dad didn’t have me watched so closely. The summit wasn’t so bad, just boring. The other heirs were okay. At least the girls. I didn’t hang out with the boys much. It turns out that Dad wants to match me up with some guy I haven’t even met. He’s a Cole like us, but his parents are the Muse rulers. I didn’t even know that was possible. I haven’t heard anything bad about him, at least. I don’t know if you’ve heard about it, but the kings came up with a nasty way of making sure we do what they say. They fixed these chains to our wrists so that everybody knows we’re “claimed” (ugh!). I’ve tried everything I could think of, but I can’t get mine off. The marriages aren’t supposed to happen for a couple years though. When you left you said I wasn’t old enough to come with you. Well, I’m older now. Will you come back for me?

Love, your sister, Carli


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